Sunday, January 24, 2010

Thousand Trails/FMCA of Texas Rally - Lake Conroe

Here comes this remote house kat to the rescue. When we went into Thousand Trails early to get ready for the Conroe January Rally, it had been wet and rainy. After looking for a spot to park, we found out that there weren't but a few spots where we could park. We decided to park at one of the new spots at the back. There was water standing on one side of the road so Tommy decided that he was going to pull into a space across the road thinking that it wouldn't be as bad as getting on the ditch and the water on the road. Needless to say, we got stuck so we called a friend that had his crew working somewhere at Montogomery. We went and met the guys cause they had stopped working on account of the rain.
We had a few people watching the show. Some people were impressed with the machine. We used to use these machines in our business. We would spot mobile homes with them. Some guys would take the mobile homes to the locations and drop the homes and other guys would take over putting the house in place and together with the house kat.

Tommy is trying to smooth out the ruts and the damage that was done after our coach was spotted in the space. The coach was matted all the way in the space and even when we moved to another space a few days later, I had to move the mats all the way out.

There we are after we got in our space.
Well, our rally is getting ready to start. We are setting up for our happy hour and some members came a little early either to help out or just to come socialize.

Bobbie was a lot of help setting up. Thank you Bobbie.

Just waiting on members to get here so we can start the party.
More members are coming in. Members are meeting members that they hadn't met yet.
Just waiting and telling stories.
Okay, get the party started.
I've taken some other pictures that look similar to this one with Smitty right there at the front of the line and posing for the picture.
A group of new people. Russ & Roxie and Sylvia & Jack and Barbara Berg who has been a member close to a year.
This is my husband for those that don't know, haha!!!
Time for dinner. We're never late for that so we always have long lines.

We had some pretty good dinners, chicken fried chicken, chopped sirloin or baked ham.

Everybody busy eating.

Say CHEESE!!!!
And now to BEAT the GUYS!!!!

We didn't keep track but most of the time the GALS win. We let the guys win about 20% of the time just so they won't feel bad. Not really, the guys are pretty good sometimes and we just can't win.
We've got to be sure that we make the right moves so it takes some concentration sometimes.
Here's the sheriff, taking notes so she can fine us.

Terry, the manager at Thousand Trails in Conroe, came and talked to us at our business meeting.
Everybody was interested in what Terry had to say.
Some of our new members got a twentieth anniversary pin.
Jack and Sylvia getting their pins.
Wagonmasters and assistants get their boots for hosting the Conroe Rally.
Fred Kennedy is talking to us about the money that we made for working at the Six State Rally in Shawnee, Oklahoma in September 2009. Our Chapter got a little over $4,000.00 for all the hours we worked.
Some members wore their red shirts that we wore to the Six State Rally. Those of us that didn't wear our red shirts got fined by the sheriff.
The members that worked at the Six State Rally had to stand to be recognized. I think it was about 16 couples or coaches cuz there were two single ladies, Barbara Spade and Donna Carpenter.
Whoever is talking, and its not Fred, has got everybodys undivided attention.
It must have really been interesting.

Having Happy Hour again.
Plenty of snacks.
Just visiting before everybody comes in. They all get here slowly but surely.
Having a good talk.
Putting things up so they won't be in the way.
New members Russ and Roxie.
Willie and Beverly took a little time to shoot some pool. I took the picture but didn't stick around to see if they actually hit the balls or put some holes in the table. Who won anyway????
Another meal. It was pretty good. At least we know that there's a few days during our rallies that we don't have to cook or even think about cooking.
Hey John, you sure did get in a bunch of my pictures.
At least we know that it wasn't raining this day.
I don't know what's going on but Jimmie is still eating and he's not interested.
Okay, rally is almost over, how long are you all staying?

These are the birthday members for December and January: John Burke, Sylvia Napoles, Delores Crocker, Bobbie Stuart and Paul Pacior.
These are the December and January Anniversary members: Jimmie and Joan Watson, Larry and Dianna Huff, Randle and Connie Farrar and Tommy and Olga Wood.
New member: John Burke
New members: Jack and Sylvia Napoles
New members: Russell and Roxie Foster
For a few years, a few of our members have been heading to Tropic Winds at South Texas after our January Rally. The Bennetts, the Crockers, the Laningas, the Farrars, the Woods are already here. The Orsheks and the Napoles are also supposed to be coming this way. In Harlingen, a few blocks from Tropic Winds they have an Iwo Jima Monument and Museum. I was raised in this part of the woods and I didn't know it was here. After we started RVing out here I noticed it but never had gone to see it. We finally went and it was pretty neat. They have a short movie about the battle of Iwo Jima. The small island of Iwo Jima lies 660 miles south of Tokyo. One of its outstanding geographical features is Mount Suribachi, an extinct volcano that forms the narrow southern tip of the island and rises 559 feet to dominate the area.
In February 1945, U.S. troops recaptured most of the territory that the Japanese had taken in 1941 and 1942 but Iwo Jima was still uncaptured. Almost 30,000 Japanese and 6,000 Marines lost their lives in this battle. On February 23 1945, when the slopes of Mount Suribachi were cleared of enemy resistance, the U. S. flag was raised by five marines and a Navy hospital corpsman. This is the statue of the marines that put up the U S Flag after they took the Island of Iwo Jima. This memorial was given to the Marine Military Academy by Dr. de Weldon. It is the original working model prepared by him for the casting of the bronze statue that is erected at Arlington National Cemetery.
This was an 18 year old Marine that was at the base of the flagpole, pushing it into the volcanic rock. He was from Weslaco, Texas which is just a few miles from here. Six days after the flagraising, Corporal Harlon H. Block was killed in subsequent fighting in Iwo Jima. If you put on your spectacles, you can read about him in the picture above.
In 1995, during a ceremony commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the battle of Iwo Jima, Corporal Block was enshrined here next to the Iwo Jima Memorial.

We enjoyed hosting the rally and playing games with you. We hope we see you again soon for some more good fun. Invite some friends, its always so nice to get new members. Sorry it took me so long to post this blog but my computer got pretty sick. It's doing a little better now but it's still a long way from getting well.

Until we see you again, stay healthy, drive safely, great travels, enjoy life and your HOME on wheels.

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