Well, the step is out and so is Richard Barnes. Rich also has a step problem and he is parked next door in the pull throughs.
As you can see there was an audience. Tommy and Claborn went next door to help Rich with his step. They got it working, maybe temporary or maybe for good. The dealership had fixed it before and it didn't work after a short time. Tommy got some debri in his eye while he was under the coach and had to go to the eye doctor to get it taken out after a painful night.
The first day of our rally. It looks like it will be a beautiful day and a wonderful weekend even if we do have a little wind.
Having some snacks, fellowship and waiting for our dinner.
Hi John!!!!
Dennis and Terri Bloomingdale from Illinois also joined us as guests. They were in Harlingen also and came to Columbus and were here during our rally. They were also at Columbus last year during our rally in March.
Okay, should we go to the business meeting or should we sneak out. They won't have any food at this time?????
Business report.
Wagonmasters Chuck & Sara and Joe & Marie are getting their boots for being wagonmasters at this rally. They did a great job.
Some of the new members are getting the 20th anniversary pins of our Chapter.
Chuck is setting up for the door prizes.
These are the members that got the prizes. It looks like there were 7 prizes. After they got their prizes some of them got to choose wheather to keep their prize or trade with whoever prize they wanted. I guess they were all satisfied with their prizes.
Eating Again!!! We had so many meals and so much to eat and we enjoyed every bit of it.
We had great salads.
Joe was a good waiter. We had our food delivered to our table by our wagonmasters.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to: Joe and Pat Watts and John and Mary Nan Wehrung.
Our birthday group. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Bobby Ballard, Connie Farrar, Terry Griner, Mary Nan Wehrung and Dianna Huff.
Sara is taking a breather after all the hard work that she's done. It was work for her the whole week-end. Chuck and her didn't even get to play game cuz they chose to take care of us.
Bright and early Sunday morning Chuck and Joe, half of the wagonmasters (wifes busy inside) are outside relaxing and waiting for the group to start coming in for breakfast. They just about got it licked. They really did a tremendous job with everything.
New members: Art and Faye Tuley. We recruited them at Harlingen also. In all we recruited four couples in Harlingen and some others that we talked to might join at a later date. We welcome all these new couples that came to our rally and the others that couldn't make this one.
New members: Bobby and Dot Ballard. We met this couple in Medina right after the rally in November. I talked to them about our Chapter and I took their information. We met them again in January at a hotel at Spring where we went to a meeting where we got suckered into a new membership.
John and Mary Nan Wehrung. This is the first time that John and Mary Nan have attending one of our rallies. They joined last year at Columbus toward the end of our rally and then they went traveling to welcome back.
We had a great rally. We got to fellowship with the people that we enjoy seeing every other month and also with the new people that will be part of our group as we grow. These are two of our new couples that enjoyed the rally and are waving goodbye till we meet again. Drive safely home and take care.